Saturday, July 11, 2009

Being a monkey....

So as most of you know I call Mackenzie my little Monkey, because she practically is one! LOL She will jump around on the furniture and jump from things and then hop onto another thing! Its actually quite funny to watch. She even sits like a monkey which is absolutely hilarious. But on with the story... the other day while I was sitting on the computer my brother Michael and Mackenzie were playing in the office with my backpack! Now normally one would thing that he was putting it on her back and just messing around! UH NO!!! He had put her inside the backpack and was carrying her around like a female monkey would do for her baby. It was the funniest thing and I just had to share the pictures with everyone because its just one of those moments that make you laugh and make you wonder all in the same three minutes! LOL 
In the first photo she was laughing hysterically... but going into the second photo which in all honesty was like the tenth she started getting upset. But she laughed as soon as I put the camera away! =)

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