Tuesday, June 16, 2009

22 Months...

Well everyday it is getting harder to take in that Mackenzie is getting older. On June 8th (yes I am a little late) Mackers turned 22 months and all I could ask was where in the word has the time gone! But I am also happy because Mackenzie is a very healthy and happy child. I am very happy to also say that she is so smart, her and I can pretty much carry on a conversation now and its amazing! She knows two shapes so far: circle and heart, and she is working on her colors but she knows: blue, green and brown. Its awesome how much she takes in everyday, but like my mom says we need to watch what we say about her because she repeats everything that we say, I MEAN EVERYTHING! 

Below is a photo from June of last year to June of this year! =) 

Too cute and so big!


  1. Oh my gosh she has gotten so cute!! I just love how she has the most put together outfits and hair of any kid I know. I need to take a page out of your book!

  2. Thanks Jill! I have two pet peeves, well major ones, too always have wonderfully matching outfits including hair accessories and shoes and to have a polite child! =) But that goes with only having one kid! lol =) I am sure she wouldn't always be so matching if I had two!
