Tuesday, November 15, 2011

T-Ball Season 1

I never thought being a parent that I would be good at coaching until I tried it. This season was the most fun that I have had in a long time! All of the kids that I had on my team were awesome and have learned so much, it was crazy seeing how far they came from the first practice till today. This week marks the final week of our first t-ball season. Mackenzie had so much fun playing and getting to know new friends and playing one of mommies favorite sports, baseball!

Mackenzie learned a lot about playing t-ball this season and just the simple things from running to first base to hitting the ball and remembering to run! She would get a little A.D.D. in the field and just want to chase butterflys or watch the airplanes, all it would take is me saying Mackenzie a ball is going to hit you in the face if you dont pay attention to the batter. That would get her to finally pay attention! =)

I can't wait till next season which is in the Spring 2012. I hope to be able to coach again but am also hoping that other things and job opportunities will come my way!

Great job baby girl and I can't wait to see how much better you get from now till next season!

Thanks to my dad for taking the pictures this season as I was busy coaching the little ones! 

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