Monday, May 10, 2010

Getting so big on me!!!

I cant believe how big Mackenzie has got in such a short amount of time! Her and I have full blown conversations all the time now and I love it! Just recently I have been able to start reading a book my friend let me borrow that has to do with Strong willed children which everyone I know, knows that Mackenzie is EXTREMELY independent and strong willed! Although I love it I also really hate it, but in the long run she will be a very strong woman for it!

I love my baby though with all my heart and I am happy that I am able to finally really bond with her and play with her and have her do crafts that she actually understands! I cannot believe in 3 short months Mackenzie will be 3 and starting preschool in the Fall! It will probably be one of the hardest things I will do, since I have been with her 24/7 since the day she was born! I am not going to look that far ahead though I am going to spend the MOST amount of time with her this summer since I will be going to school and she will be as well!

I am so proud of my little monkey! She is one amazing little girl and I love her so much!

Mackenzie and her friend Alex... He is exactly 9 months older than her to the day!
Being a good mommy to her piggy!
Chowing down on ice cream at my softball game!
She dressed herself... handy manny shirt, blue flower, minnie mouse Christmas pants and her tinkerbell sunglasses! LOVE IT...
Playing with uncle Devin on Mother's Day! She loves him more than anyone I know!

1 comment:

  1. so cute but do you think she really loves him more than me? Hmmm it might be a tie... just kidding xoxo

    how is that book working out for you by the way?
