Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Potty time....

Well today Mackenzie went potty on her big girl toilet for the first time! She woke up from her nap today and told me that she had to go "poo-poo"... so instead of blowing it off (she sometimes tricks me) I went and sat her on the potty and low and behold about five minutes later there was both number 1 and number 2 in her potty... YAY MACKENZIE! I am so proud of her I hope that this is the start of finishing off her diapers and from now on using the potty! =) Wish her and me luck in this little journey we call POTTY TRAINING

P.S. There were pictures but due to not wanting to embarrass her I will not post them lol! =)


  1. haha I took pictures too, but everyone said that was disgusting!!! LOL Good luck

  2. Good Luck! Let me know how it goes!
